Manuals & Guides

The following manuals and guides are available for support on various aspects of Antioch School programs:

  • General Education Enrichment Manual. Explains how students can develop and demonstrate General Education Enrichment competencies using the Great Books Reading Program, Cultural Conversation through Film, and Community Service Learning Projects.

  • Practicum Manual. Explains the educational concept of practicum and how to select and implement ministry and teaching practicum in Antioch School programs.

  • Accreditation, Transfer Credit & Financial Aid Guide. This guide addresses three inter-related topics: accreditation, transfer credit, and financial aid and the fundamental ideas and practical applications related to the Antioch School for each topic.

  • Doctor of Ministry GC-BTE Program ManualThis manual helps guide students with the Doctor of Ministry in Global Church-Based Theological Education.
  • Job Practicum Manual. This manual explains how students can structure, develop, and manage job practicums.



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